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Clarion by OpenUpMusic

Updated: Apr 30, 2020

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The Clarion is a musical instrument interface that works through a tablet. This allows users to play music using a simple and highly customizable platform. The user can pick what screen layout they want, and the sound is controlled by where the curser is on the screen. The user moves a curser around the screen (either with a mouse or with a device tracking their eyes) to hit different notes. The screen can be customized to be more complex (like a piano keyboard) or can be as simple as four square boxes. This allows users of any ability to have the chance to create music.

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Image from Open Up Music via Facebook

This product has opened the world of creating music to a large population, including those who are paralyzed. The Clarion has also benefitted the general public because it is a good way for kids or those who are not very ‘musically talented’ to still express themselves and have fun playing music. It also promotes collaboration because anyone can play the Clarion and join a band. This product has done a great job increasing the accessibility of music creation, while bringing the joy and expression of music to a much larger population.

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